Penalties can get tough when you want to change directions without pulling the ball backwards. Joakim Karlsson didn't have this problem in 2008. He just lobbed the ball and let the magic happen.

A brave slide into the opponents slap shot and... Bam! There it is, the worst pain of all. Three ways how to get rid of this dull, vicious, penetrating ache.

Yes, we know, there were so many fantastic final matches. But leading 4:0, then falling 4:6 behind, equalizing and finally dethroning the undefeated World Champion in overtime? Come on.

The share of people who match the stereotype of a geek is relatively big in floorball. The reason is pretty simple. However, these guys might be floorball's secret weapon.

In the late 70's floorball made it into Switzerland's popular TV show Sport Panorama. Now we don't know what to love most. The pants, the stick or the goal celebration.

Without a proper floorball shoe you won't be able to bring you best game. The offer has never been larger, the selection never more difficult. However, we provide you with 12 rules, that will help you to pick the best floorball footwear you ever had.

Sometimes long throws get shorter then expected. Sometimes they don't reach your team mate. Sometimes absolutely everything goes wrong. Warberg's Peter Sjögren can tell you a word or two about it.